
Non Violent Communication : adding new touches to our practices

The ImpaQt team, and some of our MMAPPER certified members, has just completed the first 2 basic modules of Non-Violent Communication with Pascale Molho.

What a joy it is to pursue our individual and collective development as a team!

We’ve made the basic principles and the NVC process our own, so that we can get to know and understand each other even better, regulate situations of miscommunication between us and cultivate our ability to work together. Just goes to prove the shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot!

NVC, developed by Marshall Rosenberg, is a powerful tool and process for fostering mutual understanding and smoothing out human relationships.

Integrating touches of NVC into our facilitation practices enables us to foster authentic expression and empathetic listening, and further improve our ability to create a climate of trust conducive to learning.

Save the dates !

There is still a few places left for the sessions in October!