Coming soon : Learning to Listen online!

What a joy it has been to dive back into the CD-Rom ‘Learning to Listen’ that I created in 2003 and this time with the help of Jean-Marc Dollinger, Thomas Delafosse and the ImpaQt team of language learning experts.

The objective is to refresh it, bring it up to date and provide learners with a pertinent online learning tool.

I was delighted to discover that it still rings true as a product and remains very useful and innovative in its approach.
Taking the time to think about how we learn is often pushed to one side with a tendency to do and to engage; we often see learners listening to the target language without asking themselves why and how they are listening. That’s where ‘Learning to Listen’ kicks in.

The art of the performance

When we take drama, music, singing or dancing lessons… the show is the culmination of one’s work. It enables us to highlight personal and collective investment and to share a message, a story, an emotion with an audience. Everything has to be coordinated coherently and fluidly with the added capacity to manage last minute hick-ups to achieve the desired goal.

The applause, an indicator of success, enables us to savour it, and criticism – as long as it be benevolent, lucid and constructive – helps us to continue to learn and grow.

We at ImpaQt have the same approach.

The successful communication of a message involves multiple elements: rhythm, intonation, pronunciation, the choice of words, spontaneity, the tone of voice and paralinguistics such as gesture and posture… Each of these aspects is worked on individually and collectively during our sessions and throughout our programs. The performance is the opportunity to bring all the pieces of the puzzle together to obtain an effective global result.

It is also the opportunity to put into practice the work done in a real-life situation (ACTOR), to test the knowledge and know-how assimilated in an interactive context (RISK) and to benchmark the performance with feedback from the audience.

Is the professional objective attained? (PROJECT)

Is the learner satisfied? (PLEASURE)

Has the work put in paid off? (EFFORT)

What improvements could be made? (MIRROR)

How to go about it? (METHOD)

The curtains rise with MMAPPER!