Julia’s Q Corner

Qualiopi, 4 years already!

It’s already been 4 years since we obtained our Qualiopi certification, and our renewal audit will take place at the beginning of May. This pre-audit period is an opportune time to take stock and measure how far we’ve come since the start of our quality journey. We began harmonizing our processes and setting the framework back in 2007, long before the repository was conceived. From Datadock to Qualiopi, the standards have evolved, and so have the requirements! Here are the questions that come to mind: Have our learners’ experiences changed? Do they see and feel the advances? As someone who has been on several ImpaQt journeys over the years, what do you think?

Julia Defaye

Scores on the doors !

Our Level Tel certifying courses (RS6265) are rated 4.8/5, reflecting the progress made by learners on these courses.

91% of 2023 learners who took an Upgrade program achieved or exceeded their target certification level at the end of their course.

98% of 2023 Language learners would recommend ImpaQt, and 100% of Management learners!

Our learners have the floor!

Here are the overall assessments of the first Soregies managers to have taken part in the first programme of our intra-company co-development program in 2023:

I enjoyed the training enormously, because I grew a lot.” Bénédicte Arnaud

A great course, effective from both a personal and professional point of view.” Claire Brachet

Very enriching on one’s relationship with others, knowing how to listen, observe and not interpret words or an attitude by copying one’s own functioning on the other. Gives an open mind, difference is a richness and not an obstacle.” Servanne Letang

Best training of my life.” Charline Desroches

Very nice group experience with people I got to know and appreciate.” Christophe Léchelon