Julia’s Q Corner

Qualiopi renewed!

We’re delighted to be able to share the renewal of our Qualiopi certification!

A real team effort enabled us to validate our compliance, and I’d like to thank the whole team for their investment.

This was an opportunity to carry out work on our key documents, to reflect on the frameworks of our programs and to check the consistency between the promise made at the beginning and the result expected at the end!

The result is a series of beautiful documents that you will discover in your next training sessions!

It was also an opportunity to revisit our practices and reinforce our follow-ups to get your feedback. Yes, our satisfaction surveys are very important to us, and your feedback is essential to our development.

The Qualiopi adventure continues into 2027!

Julia Defaye

Scores on the doors !

5/5 rating on the CPF website for our programs leading to a recognized certificate.

80% of participants who answered our satisfaction survey enjoyed taking part in the training (on a panel of 56 people).

Our learners have their say…


A great experience. This training course, given by top-notch, highly competent and very pleasant people, enabled us to create a great think tank and discussion group to achieve certain objectives and thus eliminate bottlenecks.” Serge Delage, Technical Director at Groupe Séquences

A very fine individual and collective experience, with extraordinary facilitators. I learned a lot about myself and others. An interesting approach based on differences and complementarities to better communicate and collaborate.” Sylvie Cagne, HR Manager at SRD

Team Project – consolidation

Always a very good exercise on a collective and individual level that allows us to strengthen the team every time.” Emmanuel Bruand, Supply Chain Team Leader at Schneider Electric

A good time to get together and refocus on our priorities. Simple exercises and moments of reflection that allow us to ask ourselves questions and become aware of the impact each of us can have both on others and on ourselves.” Pauline Robyns, Finance Business Partner at Schneider Electric

Fast Track

I really enjoyed taking this course, thanks to the three facilitators who were able to break down the barriers of confidence, energize the sessions and emphasize the fact that the course was about communicating in English. It wasn’t a ‘vocabulary and grammar English course”. Xavier Domange, Global Account Manager at Schneider Electric


This course allowed me to develop both personally and professionally. The training was very well supervised”. Hermann Marcotte, Process Product Quality Manager at Schneider Electric