Friends and Partners

Pascale Molho, NonViolent Communication Facilitator


Géraldine decides to start training in Non-Violent Communication at the beginning of 2023. She was lucky enough to follow the basic modules with Pascale Molhlo. Their exchanges were rich, and a link was created…

Pascale has been a medical doctor since 1984, a hospital doctor for 15 years and a certified NVC trainer since 1996. Pascale herself was trained by Marshall Rosenberg, not in a training room but in the field, accompanying him to many countries, including conflict zones. She sees NVC as a “natural extension of her vocation as a caregiver, enabling people to regain their power to act and interact in accordance with their own values and with respect for others”.

She is a facilitator at heart, having learned the trade in the field alongside a man whose teaching principle was: “Don’t do anything if it’s not fun and play!

After Géraldine, it was Richard’s turn to discover NVC with Pascale…

Today, the journey continues, as it’s the whole ImpaQt team and 2 MMAPPER-certified facilitators, Jean-Marc Dollinger and Magali Geffroy, that Pascale took on board at the beginning of March for another trip to continue our individual and collective journeys and enrich our NVC key practices.