The Co’s Words

2024: make an impact

Why this slogan?

Of course, there’s the nod to ImpaQt, which was all too tempting…

In fact, this new slogan seemed an obvious, logical follow-up to “2023: add your touch”. Because it’s only when everyone makes a positive contribution by adding their own touch of personal color that a collective can evolve and step by step create a vision, a coherent image that makes sense.

While writing this editorial, I looked up the origin of the term ‘impact’. It comes from the Latin ‘impactum’, from ‘impigere’, to hit. This echoes what we experience in the course of our coaching work: in-depth transformation of an organization does not take place without clashes… In fact, it is often the expression of dissonance that enables harmony to be created at the end of the process.

This also echoes the role of the facilitator – or that of the manager-facilitator – and the art of the challenge, which enables us to move individual and collective lines, while taking care, thanks to an acute awareness of ourselves and others, not to do too much or too little. Another story of cursors…

Happy reading,

Géraldine Berruto
Co-managing director