The Co’s Words

In all the company’s 37 years, the first 6 months of this year have been among the best.

Thank you, dear customers, for the trust you have continued to place in us over the years and thank you to my colleagues for your unfailing dedication and professionalism.

Our economic success is a consequence of many other factors, starting with the cohesion and complementarity of our team. Indeed, it’s our differences that make us such a strong team.

Today, we’re a collective with a wealth of experience, who continues to question our practices and believes in lifelong learning. Our newly acquired skills in the use of Marshall Rosenberg’s Non-Violent Communication have enabled us to refine and improve our work practices be it in the fields of management, communication and language facilitation.

Another key to our success is that we love what we do and do what we love. PLEASURE – the fifth pillar of MMAPPER – is in my view, a high priority for any manager: put a smile on your team’s face. A team that smiles is a team that performs.

In the first semester of this year, despite an intense level of activity, we continued our research and development work. Our MMAPPER positioning application continues to evolve positively and we hope to launch a pilot phase by the end of the year.

And as a team, we’ve just embarked on the construction of our new strategic plan for 2025 to 2027, mixing work with pleasure, and taking advantage of these precious moments to soak up the sunshine and the happy faces to handle tomorrow’s challenges better.

I wish you all the best for the rest of the year!
